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Andreas Tilliander – Music producer and artist – will perform at FBTB17! 


He is also known from Familjen, and has worked with Joakim Berg and Kent. But most of all he's a great music producer and artist. Andreas Tilliander will perform live from stage during the From Business to Buttons!

Get your ticket before the price goes up! 

As an extra surprise we will have live music this year at From Business to Buttons. Of a very special kind. 

Andreas Tilliander will perform –  live – during the conference day and will also compose a theme song for the FBTB17! 

It will improvised music making with wonderful vintage synthesizers and drum machines. Music, with spectacular visuals, knobs and buttons!  

Andreas Tilliander creates music, betatest synths, tours the world, hosts Elektroniskt at Sveriges Radio and is known from Familjen and has worked with Joakim Berg, (Arlanda) and Kent.

You're a composer, producer, artist – how would you describe your music making?

– I’m one of those guys that are really interested in using actual instruments rather than to be limited to working with a computer. The main reason for this is perhaps not the sound but the tactile interaction of using physical instruments. 

But you use computers sometimes…?

– I mainly use the computer as a multi channel tape recorder, meaning I record various instruments to the computer and then I might cut and paste various parts after the recording session is done. That’s not totally true, though. I travel a lot and there are a few tracks on my lastest LP that were composed on my laptop in various hotel rooms, trains, backstage areas, bars and so on. Ideas are more important than tools. Improvisation is super important too and most of my albums were recorded while jamming in my studio.

Yes, if you look at Youtube you will find several videos where you often improvise – what will you do at From Business to Buttons?

– Actually, I’ve never done anything similar to this yet, so I’m very excited! The plan is to play some mid tempo improvisational music using my modular synthesizers, drum machines and perhaps even a computer.

Engagement is the theme of the conference – what pops up in your head when you hear that? And how do you and your music fit into that?

– When I perform live, I really try to integrate the audience in my sets. The music isn’t a static stream but rather gets affected by the reaction of the people in the clubs and concert halls. The energy given by people dancing is a big part of how I arrange and even compose music while on stage. When I started playing music in front of an audience many many years ago, the technology wasn’t as advanced and I had very few possibilities to alter my compositions. I’m very glad to be able to transform the flow of music and make every set sound different!

You tour all over the world, you make popular music, you create art music, you beta test synthesizers – what´s the favourite thing?

– At the moment, I think it’s studio work actually. I started this year with a month long tour in Asia and Australia and travelling is one of the best things with this profession. Meeting people, seeing new places is the best. However, it’s been far too long since I had a full month in the studio, so this is my plan for this spring. Two, three months of only composing and mixing.

What is your connection to User Experience?

– The only connection I can think of at the moment is that I’m beta testing musical software and hardware for various companies. I’m also designing patches or “synths“ in the virtual domain and share them online and I guess I try to think of ways of making the users understand my thoughts by only looking at the patch rather than sending me a long email.

You are composing a theme song for the conference, what are your thoughts about that? 

– My plan is to do something a bit more listenable than I do at the moment. A bit more commercial, so to speak. Coming from me though, that doesn't mean it will be a number one hit single on Spotify, although the plan is to release it there just in case, haha.

Get your ticket before the price goes up! 

Andreas Tilliander has aliases, maybe you have heard of TM404orMokira

Listen to Andreas Tilliander on Spotify!

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