Tickets for FBTB 2018 are available now! Johan Berndtsson, program chair, is eager to reveal all of the speakers. But first… let's tell you the story about how FBTB became FBTB.
From Business to Buttons is Scandinavia’s premier User Experience and Service Design conference. It’s held annually in Stockholm and takes aim at the intersection of business and digital design.
– We like to think of it as the meeting place for everyone who wants inspiration, and hands-on advice, on how to generate business value by creating great user experiences, says Johan Berndtsson, program chair and COO at inUse, who are organizing the conference.
– The somewhat strange name originates from the first paper we wrote on the method Impact Mapping, that we created some 15 years ago. The paper was first presented at the conference “Design 2002” in Dubrovnik, and emphasised the connection between business, user behaviour, and design.
– It all started because we wanted to give everyone at inUse a great conference experience, with lots of inspiration and new insights. But then we thought, well, why not make this an open event where anyone who wants can participate, so we did. An obvious benefit is of course getting to know all the nice people who attend the conference, many of whom we have since had the pleasure of working with in one form or another.
The conference has been around for 10 years. It started as a multi-track event in Malmö with mostly Swedish speakers. But as time past, it has evolved immensely.
Now it’s a one-track setup to give all the participants a shared, great experience. FBTB prefers shorter talks and breaks (with great “fika”) between sessions.
– We also decided to go, almost exclusively, with carefully selected international speakers. People that you ordinarily would have to travel thousands of miles to see are now coming to us instead. I think it’s important that every designer, product manager, design executive etc has access to top class international speakers and a world class conference experience without traveling to the other side of the world. It saves both time and money.
The event has grown as the general interest in User Experience and Service Design has gotten bigger. Today these topics are at the top of the agenda in every steering group and board room. For the last five years FBTB has sold out every year, at least a few weeks before the conference-date, so the cheaper early-bird tickets can be especially hard to come by if you’re not on your toes. Get your tickets now, early bird is available until November 30.