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96 % want to come back to FBTB

The speakers, the attention to details and the surprises, this is what you appreciated the most about FBTB 2017.

The most common feedback we get in the evaluation is that you love the speakers. We couldn’t agree more. Our conference chair handpicks all of the speakers; it’s truly their knowledge and inspirational talks that make the conference what it is to day. Here are some of the comments from last year:

Well organised as usual. Alexander Osterwald and Katie were best speakers. Magic performance by David de Leon was awesome too!

Very inspiring talks – themes like our responsibility as designers to create GOOD in this world was very inspiring.

Many good speakers. I especially liked Osterwald and the business perspective.

The variation of high flying and hands on speakers.

The speakers is the thing that makes the conference rock.


The details

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We love how you pay attention to the smallest of details, because it’s nice for us to know that some of our smallest efforts are appreciated.  We like to treat you with some classic Swedish fika. Last year, instead of a gift to the speakers, we donated money to the Red Cross that financed a doctor in Syria. We also promise to keep our vegetarian lunch for this year’s conference. Here are some of the comments from 2017:

Big plus for vegetarian food as the default!

The fact that you gave doctor-gift to the speakers.

I loved the notebook :-)

Equal gender division amongst the speaker

For two years in a row From Business to Buttons has been held at Munchenbryggeriet. But last year some of you commented that the venue was crowded and the logistics didn’t work out perfectly – so we listened. For the first time FBTB will be at Cirkus in Stockholm. We are super exited about the venue and hope you are as well.


As always we try to incorporate a little bit of extra excitement throughout the day. Last year you got a handful of magic as David de Leon, part-time magican, co-hosted the conference with Emma Estborn.

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We also like to share some giveaways with the attendants; last year it was the Design Critique Card Deck and a branded Leuchtturm1917 notebook.

Afterwards, 96.1 percent of those who attended said they would like to come back again. Thank you all! We hope to see you again on May 15. Heads up: Get your tickets before February 28 and you'll save 1000 SEK.

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