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Legendary game designer Kellee Santiago at FBTB18!


She works at Google, she has developed the legendary games Flower and Journey – Kellee Santiago is one of the speakers at From Business to Buttons 2018!

Buy your ticket here – FBTB18!

Flower and Journey are games you must definitly have heard of. 

Flower was one of the first two video games to become part of the permanent collection at The Smithsonian American Art Museum. Her next game, Journey, became one of the fastest-selling games on PlayStation Network and was named Game of the Year.

Kellee Santiago is a video game developer, producer, investor and co-founder of thatgamecompany. We are very happy to have her as a speaker at From Business to Buttons 2018.

She's currently working at Google, bringing games and apps to new platforms for immersive computing, and is co-founder of the angel investment fund Indie Fund. In 2010, she became a TED Fellow and was recognized as one of The Ten Most Influential Women in Games of the Past Decade.

So are you into gaming? Or business? Or tech? Or interested in Google – dont miss Santiago's talk!

Buy your ticket here – FBTB18!


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