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The man behind ”Service Design Thinking” joins FBTB19


If you want to go from Design thinking to Design Doing – this is it! We're happy to, for the first time, welcome Marc Stickdorn to FBTB!
Marc is Co-founder and CEO of More than Metrics. With a background in strategic management and service design, he helps organizations to sustainably embed service design in their structures, processes, and culture.

He is editor and co-author of the award-winning book “This is Service Design Thinking” (2010) and one of the four main authors of it's sequel “This is Service Design Doing” and “This is Service Design Methods”. Marc regularly speaks at conferences on service design and entrepreneurship. He teaches service design at various universities and gives public and exclusive executive courses. Since many years, he pursues a PhD at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg in Germany in information systems based on design science in which he developed a new mobile ethnographic research approach. 

Marc Stickdorn and Kim Goodwin are presented, and eight more will be disclosed in the months to come. As our Innovator tickets are already sold out, sign up to the conference today for a chance to see Marc Stickdorn, Kim Goodwin and all the other UX, Service Design and Innovation legends live on stage on May 3, 2019.

Get your FBTB19 tickets here!

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