This year we have more international participants than ever. This is of course very inspiring. For example we have a group from Finland coming for both the conference and four of the workshops.
Welcome, Nitor! Travelling to Sweden from Finland for the FBTB conference!
– FBTB had an interesting line up with compelling workshops and keynotes that caught our eye, says Annika Madejska, Designer at Nitor.
– Nitor Digital Engineering opened shop in Stockholm last year, and as we now have people working there, it is also quite natural that we hear more about design related events in the city.
Almost half the designteam at Nitor are attending the conference.
Over 20 nationalities
This year we have more international participants than ever. Amongst them: Canada, USA, Germany, Russia, Finland, Denmark, Norway, Poland, Belgium, Netherlands, UK and Gambia!
What are you expecting at the conference, and how will you use it?
– We attend conferences worldwide and are always on the lookout for interesting events where we will learn new things, says Annika Madejska.
– Learning and expanding our area of expertise is at the core of everything we do and we always share all knowledge gained with our colleagues through different events at our headquarters.
– All of us are of course looking forward to the workshops. We have people attending Marc Stickdorns, Jeff Gothelfs, Kim Goodwins and Christopher Noessels workshops. Other than that, we’re excited about what new ideas the conference will give us and it is of course always nice to meet people who are as passionate about design as we are.