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We proudly present... the FBTB 2020 hosts


They were a success last year so they'll get renewed confidence – Nathalie Tindsjö and Torin Williams! We had a chat with them!

What is the best thing about being hosts at FBTB?
– Everything from the preparations – starting with a blank sheet of paper, coming up with ideas and building the total experience for the conference day – to actually being there on the stage and to give it all, says Nathalie Tindsjö, Deputy Regional Director, User Experience Designer & Service Designer at inUse.

What is the worst thing about being hosts at FBTB?
– To not be able to sit down in the audience with all other designers taking part in the inspiring speakers’ presentations. On the other hand, being on stage weighs up, says Torin Williams, User Experience Designer at inUse.

You managed well last year – what do you hope to achieve this year?
– I will contribute with tons of joy and energy. Since I’m a designer myself, I will use my experience to get the most out of the talks and to involve the audience, says Nathalie.

– I think the goal for me is always seeing how much more engagement and excitement you can build up in the audience. Giving them that red thread that hopefully ties the day together, says Torin.

Lots of people have already bought tickets. Why do people want to come to FBTB 2020?

There are so much heart and knowledge that goes into the conference. For any designer that wants to broaden their perspective, find inspiration, or just get filled up with hands-on tools that they take back to work – it is the place to be, says Torin.

– To listen to the best lineup of speakers ever! But also to meet 1000 designers, all working with similar challenges and goals. This year’s theme about how we as designers need to grow, both professionally, and as human beings is also a topic that attracts, says Nathalie.

Get tickets for FBTB 2020!

Get you tickets before April 3rd and save €100. There are also group discounts (5 or more), and partnership programs (15 or more), so you can go bring the whole team. If you have any questions about the discount or partnership program, send an e-mail to Jane Murray. Or you could just send your boss to frombusinesstobuttons.com and tell her or him to buy your ticket now!

See you at Cirkus in May!

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